Friday, February 22, 2008

Inner Filmmaker

I had a concept for a music video float into my awareness a while back and scribbled a very crude storyboard of the first few verses/scenes. After daydreaming for a few days about having the means to actually make a video I decided that the stars in my eyes were getting in the way of things that could actually be done and put the idea away.

But that roughly scrawled-upon slice of 8.5 x 11 kept turning up, finding its way out from beneath bills and other concerns. I found myself watching moving pictures superimposed upon the background of my thoughts and decided that maybe I could make an animated film.

After mulling that over for a while I promptly decided that an animated film was just as impossible as a live action film and put the idea away again. Again it would find its way back into my consciousness unabated, practically begging me for fruition. Finally, I succumbed to the calls of my inner filmmaker and decided that I would go to work on an animated music video featuring one of the songs from my recently release album Antidepressant Blues.

I hope to finish the darn thing within the next month or two and release it out into the wild via and youtube. I plan to leak segments highlighting its progress via this dandy outlet.

End Transmission.

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